The Municipal Election was held Monday, October 24, 2022 

Elections for municipal government are held every four years, on the fourth Monday of October. The Legislative Assembly of Ontario passed Bill 81 in 2006, which set the length of terms in office for all municipal elected officials at four years. 

Who can vote in municipal elections? 

Anyone can vote in a municipal election who, on the day of the election, is: 

  • 18 years of age or older 
  • A Canadian citizen; and 
  • Either a resident of the municipality or a property owner or tenant or the spouse or same sex partner of an owner or tenant in the municipality during a specified time just before the election. 

Am I on the Voter's List? 

To make a change or correction to your mailing address, property owners can notify MPAC of changes online at under Making Changes and Updates.

General Election Information 

Unofficial Results October 24th,2022

Official Results October 25th,2022

 Key Election Dates
  • May 2, 2022 – Beginning of Nomination Period for Candidates
  • May 2 – October 21, 2022 – Registration Period for Third Party Advertising
  • August 19, 2022, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm – Nomination Day for Candidates
  • September 1 – October 24, 2022 – Addition/Correction Period for the Voter’s List
  • October 3rd- 7th, 2022 Voter Information Letters Arrive in the mail
  • October 14 – 24, 2022 – Voting Period
  • November 15, 2022 – Term of Office Commences


Voter Information Sessions

Information on voting process for all voters, Opportunity to register or update information on voters list - Photo ID required. 

Internet and telephone Voting ONLY. 

Advanced Voting begins: 

October 14 @ 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (weekday only)

October 17 to 21 @ 10:00 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. (weekdays only)

Election Day October 24 @ 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  


Official List of Candidates 

~Certified List of Official Candidates 2022 ~

~Certified List of Acclaimed Candidates 2022~



Mandy Martin ~ Acclaimed: Mayor~Filed: July 14th, 2022~

 Cramahe ON


Sandra Arthur ~ Acclaimed: Deputy Mayor ~ Filed: May 31st, 2022 

 Colborne ON 


Eric Voutier ~ Councillor ~ Filed: August 2nd, 2022

~ Cramahe ON K0K 1H0~ 


Tim Gilligan ~ Councillor ~ Filed: August 3rd, 2022

Cramahe ON  


Ed Van Egmond ~Councillor ~ Filed: August 15th, 2022

Cramahe ON 


Sherry Hamilton ~ Councillor ~ Filed: August 17th, 2022

~ Castleton ON ~ 


Erick Baron-Joyner ~ Councillor ~ Filed: August 18th, 2022

Colborne ON 


Joel Schriver ~ Councillor~ Filed: August 19th, 2022

Colborne ON 


Acclaimed School Board Trustee - English Public

Cynthia (Cyndi) Dickson ~ Filed May 17, 2022


 School Board Trustee - English Separate

Kathleen Tanguay ~ Filed August 11th, 2022 ~ Port Hope L1A 2P1

Douglas Blundel ~ Filed August 15th, 2022 ~ 9 Craig St. Port Hope ON L1A 2A9


Conseil Scolaire Viamonde- French Public School Trustee

Kristine Dandavino ~ Filed August 15th, 2022 ~ 66 Oshawa Blvd. North Oshawa ON L1G5S3

Serge Paul ~ Filed August 17th, 2022 ~ 43 Orton Park Rd. Toronto ON M1G 3G5


Conseil Scolaire Catholique MonAvenir - French Separate School Trustee

Marcellin Kwilu Mondo ~ Filed August 17th, 2022 ~ 37 Beer Cres. Ajax ON L1S 0A4




 2022 Voters Guide


 2022 Candidates Guide


 Third-Party Advertisers
 Applicable Legislation
Information for Voters
Meet The Candidates
Candidate Meet and Greet Poster
 Voter Guide
 Who Can Vote in Municipal Election?
 Anyone can vote in a municipal election who, on the day of the election, is: 
  • 18 years of age or older 
  • a Canadian citizen; and 
  • either a resident of the municipality or a property owner or tenant or the spouse or same sex partner of an owner or tenant in the municipality during a specified time just before the election. 
 What is Different about the 2022 Election?

Like many other municipalities in Ontario, Council approved the switch to Internet-Telephone voting from mail-in ballots. There are many advantages to adopting this method of voting:

Efficiency: reduces printing, return postage fees, staff time for vote counting, and the amount of paper utilized.

Accessibility: Internet-Telephone Voting is a convenient option for electors allowing them to use their own devices and access their ballots anytime during the voting period, and from anywhere with Internet or Telephone access. 

Accuracy: Internet-Telephone voting uses electronic ballots exclusively reducing counting error from manual tabulations;

Automatic Tabulation: 100% of the results will be available shortly after 8pm on October 24, once all voters have completed their voting (if they logged in before 8pm).

Convenience: Many non-resident electors do not live in Cramahe, and therefore should be given the equal opportunity to vote as those who live here. Every elector will be able to vote from a location of their convenience. Also, compared to mail-in voting from years past, voters will no longer need to find a postal box, or rely on the postal service to ensure their ballot returned back to Town Hall.


No paper ballots are needed.

 When and where and how do I vote?

The voting period will be from Friday, October 14 to Monday, October 24, 2022, and you will be able to vote at any time of day during that period from your own home. All you need is the internet and a device such as a laptop, tablet or phone.

To vote, you will need the PIN that is present on the Voter Information Letter you received in the mail and your full birth date.

Please  watch this video which outlines the internet voting process. 


 What if I need help or more information?

if you have questions or difficulty with the voting process please call 1-877-272-4263 x 250 or email

You may also attend one of the Voter Information Sessions below or visit the Municipal Town Hall (1 Toronto St. during the hours of 10am-4:30pm  Monday to Friday from October 14th- 21st. and from 8:30am - 8pm on Election day. (October 24th, 2022)

There will  also be Election support located at Municipal Town Hall on Election Day October 24th from 8:30am-8pm.


 Information for Candidates
 Candidate Guide
 2022 Candidates Guide
 Am I eligible to run as a candidate?

Running for Municipal Council

  • You must be eligible to vote in the municipality in order to run for a position on council.
  • On the day you file your nomination, you must be a Canadian citizen aged 18 or older, and qualify as a resident or non-resident elector. 
  • You must be eligible to hold office on the day you file your nomination. For example, a person who is 17 years old but will turn 18 before the end of the nomination period must wait until they have turned 18 to file their nomination.
  • You must file the appropriate paperwork when you submit your nomination - documents will be available soon.


Running for School Board Trustee

  • In order to run for a trustee position on a school board you must be a resident within the jurisdiction of the board, and you must be eligible to vote in a school board election. 
  • On the day you file your nomination, you must be a Canadian citizen aged 18 or older, and you must meet any other qualifications to vote for the school board (for example, being a Roman Catholic, or holding French language rights). 
  • You must file the appropriate paperwork when you submit your nomination - documents will be available soon.
 Candidate Information Session 
On Wednesday, April 27th the seven Northumberland County municipalities hosted a Candidate Information Session with a presentation by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. For those who missed the session but would like to watch, please visit youtube link
 How does the nomination process work?
 When and how is nomination done?
  Candidates who intend to run in the 2022 Municipal Election must file all necessary documentation along with the required filing fee during the nomination period, which runs from May 2 – August 19, 2022.

Nomination Day on August 19, 2022 is the last day to file a nomination, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. 

Filing must be done in person or by an agent (not by mail, email or fax) with the Clerk at 1 Toronto St, Colborne ON during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

 Nomination Requirements

Along with the following nomination requirements, candidates may need to fill out additional documentation at the time of nomination.


  • Identification for proof of identity (ex. Driver's Licence, Passport, Birth Certificate, etc.)
  • A complete copy of the Nomination Paper (Form 1)
  • Filing Fee (to be returned upon successful filing of your campaign financial statement)
    • $200 for Mayoral candidates
    • $100 for Deputy Mayor, Councillor or School Board Trustee candidates
  • A declaration of qualification (Form 2) from 25 individuals endorsing the nomination (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Council candidates only)
    • each person who signs the candidate's endorsement may endorse more than one nomination
    • all persons endorsing a nomination must be eligible to vote in an election for an office within Brighton, if a regular election was held on the day that the person endorses the nomination
    • endorsements must be completed and signed on Form 2
    • School Board Trustee candidates do not require endorsements
 What Position can I run for?
 Notice of Nomination for office 2022
 What are the responsibilities for each position?
 Responsibilities of the Mayor and Council

Council is the Municipality’s decision-making body. Role of Council (Section 224 of the Municipal Act):

  1. To represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the municipality;
  2. To develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the municipality;
  3. To determine which services the municipality provides;
  4. To ensure that administrative policies, practices and procedures and controllership policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council;
  5. To ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the municipality, including the activities of the senior management of the municipality;
  6. To maintain the financial integrity of the municipality; and
  7. To carry out the duties of council under this or any other Act.


Role of the Mayor

Role of Mayor (Head of Council) (Section 225 & 226.1 of the Municipal Act):

  • To act as chief executive officer of the municipality;
  • Preside over council meetings so that its business can be carried out efficiently and effectively;
  • To provide leadership to the council;
  • Without limiting clause, to provide information and recommendations to the council with respect to the role of council described in clauses 224 (d) and (d.1);
  • To represent the municipality at official functions; and
  • To carry out the duties of the head of council under this or any other Act.

As chief executive officer of a municipality, the head of council shall,

  1. uphold and promote the purposes of the municipality;
  2. promote public involvement in the municipality’s activities;
  3. act as the representative of the municipality both within and outside the municipality, and promote the municipality locally, nationally and internationally; and
  4. participate in and foster activities that enhance the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality and its residents.


Additional Roles of Deputy Mayor

  • alternate member for County Council if Head of Council is unable to attend
  • holds all duties, rights, powers and authority of the Head of Council during the absence, illness or refusal to act by the Head of Council


Other Roles for Members of Council

  • Attendance at municipal functions and ceremonies
  • community groups meetings like service clubs or charity groups
  • Individual constituent meetings
  • Committees of Council


Time Commitments

  • Regular Meetings of Council - 4-10 hours/month
  • Special Meetings of Council - possibly 2-6 hours/month
  • Council Meeting agenda review and reading - 4-6 hours/month
  • Committee Meetings - varies 6 hours/month
  • Constituent issues - varies 20 hours/month
  • Processing emails, phone calls, research - 10-15 hours/month
  • Attendance at conferences, community events, training opportunities - varies
 What do I need to know about campaigning?

A complete Candidates' Information Guide is available for you to review. Please review the Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes Policy for information regarding using Cramahe logos or images as well as campaigning at public events. 

You may set up a campaign office on private property. Please be aware that you may not put up signs on the exterior or in the windows of the office that promote your candidacy prior to the date when signs are permitted. Prior to that date, signs may state your name only.

Be advised that all candidates must open a campaign bank account.

Financial Reporting Requirements

All candidates (including acclaimed or withdrawn candidates) are required to file a financial statement using the prescribed form. It is good practice for campaigns to review the Financial Statement form prior to incurring any contributions or expenses, and arrange their accounts, spreadsheets, and ledgers according to the various categories that are required to be reported on the form.

Candidates, whose campaign contributions and total expenses exceed $10,000.00 are required to file an auditor’s report with their financial statement that has been prepared by an auditor licenced under the Public Accounting Act.

Financial statements are due in the Clerk’s Office at the Municipal Town Hall  ( 1 Toronto St, Cramahe ON) between January 3, 2023 and 2:00 p.m. on March 31, 2023. Complete and signed financial statements may be filed electronically to during the prescribed filing period. The date of the electronic submission shall be the official date received. 

Note: The entire Financial Report is considered a public document. These documents may be inspected by any person upon request at the Office of the Clerk during normal office hours, and will also be available online. Any person may make extracts from the documents and is entitled to copies. Clerks are required to make the documents available electronically, at no cost to the requester.

All financial reports are posted on This includes a listing of the names and address of all contributors. You may wish to consider advising contributors that their personal information will be public and displayed on the Municipal web site after the election. The information remains on the website until after the next municipal election.

Please find all forms required in the 2022 Candidate Information Guide


Candidate Financial Statements 2022

Mayor - Mandy Martin 

Deputy Mayor - Sandra Arthur

Councilor - Ed Van Egmond

Councilor Candidate- Eric Voutier

Councilor Candidate - Erick Baron- Joyner

Councilor - Sherry Hamilton

Councilor Candidate - Timothy Gilligan

2022 Financial Filing Compliance Report


On Wednesday, April 27th the seven Northumberland County municipalities hosted a Candidate Information Session with a presentation by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. For those who missed the session but would like to watch, please visit youtube link

 Information for Third-Party Advertisers
 2022 Third- Party Advertiser Guide
 What is a Third Party Advertisement?

 A Third Party Advertisement is a message in any medium, i.e., signs, billboard, newspaper, radio, etc. promoting or opposing a candidate, or a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a question, referendum, or an issue associated with a person or political party participating in an election. 

Advertising that does not cost money to post or broadcast, such as comments made on social media or email, is not considered a Third Party Advertisement.​

Third Party Advertisers may not spend more than the limit identified on the Certificate of Maximum Permitted Expenses which will be provided once the Third Party has registered. Third Party Advertisers can only incur expenses during the campaign period, which begins on the day the Third Party Advertiser registers with the Clerk and ends on December 31, 2022.

 Who can register as a Third Party?
 Individuals, corporations and trade unions are eligible to register as a Third Party Advertiser, provided they register with the Clerk. Registrations may be filed between May 2, 2022 and October 21, 2022. Please refer to the Third Party Information Package, for all required forms and additional information.

The following are not permitted to register as a Third Party Advertiser:

  • individuals who have filed nomination papers with the Clerk (or anyone under their direction);
  • federal and provincial political parties, constituency associations, registered candidates and leadership contestants; and,
  • federal and provincial governments, a municipality or school board.


Joanne Hyde
Township of Cramahe
1 Toronto Street, Colborne
Ontario, Canada K0K 1S0
T.: 905-355-2821 x 222
Toll Free:: 866-293-8379
F.: 905-355-3430
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