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The Apple Route celebrates a special region of Ontario. This southern area of Northumberland County, pressed between the Great Pine Ridge and Lake Ontario has, for 200 years, enjoyed a rich agricultural history that brought both prosperity and continuity. The scenic countryside, pleasant orchards and friendly communities along the Apple Route are a haven for visitors with an appetite for the simple pleasures of a slower pace of life governed by the land, the water, and the seasons.

From several harbours you can sample trophy fishing on Lake Ontario. Museums and galleries flourish in all the communities along the route and more than sixty antique stores cater to tastes from the primitive to the formal. Beaches, public parks, wildlife sanctuaries and public footpaths all provide access to some of the prettiest landscapes in southern Ontario.

Presqu'ile Provincial Park is an enormous resource for campers and birders. All along the Route you'll be delighted by the range and sophistication of dining and accommodation facilities. Spas, bed and breakfasts, country inns, hotels and motels abound; each provides helpful advice and suggestions for making the most of your visit.

For more information on the Apple Route, and to get your free copy of The Apple Route map visit our website at or call 613-475-2775
