Applying for a Marriage Licence

 What you need to know
  • A marriage licence is required to get married in Ontario (or the publication of banns from a church)
  • No appointment is required when applying for a marriage licence
  • Please provide us 2-3 weeks to process your application and issue the licence
  • The licence can be used anywhere in the province of Ontario
  • Once issued, a marriage licence is valid for 90 days
  • The licence is valid for use in Ontario only 
 How to apply for a Marriage Licence
  1. Review the Identification Requirements. 
  2. Review the guidelines on re-marrying after a divorce, if applicable.
  3. Complete a Marriage Licence Application form.
  4. Visit the Township of Cramahe with the following documents:
    • completed application dated with original signatures (not scanned or photocopied)
    • Two (2) pieces of original and valid government issued ID for each person applying from the list of acceptable ID (see Identification Requirements)
    • Divorce documentation, if applicable

You can apply without your partner if:

    • both of you have signed and dated the completed application (applications with scanned or photocopied signatures will not be accepted)
    • you bring the required identification for each person on the application (original ID only, we will not accept photocopies or scanned images)
    • bring original divorce documentation, if applicable
Marriage Licence Fee 

The cost of a marriage licence is $120 (HST does not apply).

We accept cash, debit, and certified cheque or money order made payable to “Township of Cramahe.”

The marriage licence fee is non-refundable. 

 Who can get married

Anyone over the age of 16 years old can get married in Ontario. If you are under 18 years of age you will need consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s). A parental consent form must be completed. Forms are available in our office. Your parents or legal guardians must also be present at the time you submit your marriage licence application.

Everyone is welcome to apply for a marriage licence and get married in Ontario, whether you live here permanently or temporarily. There are no gender, residency, citizenship or medical requirements when applying for a marriage licence. The requirements are the same for everyone. 

 Identification Requirements
Each person applying for the marriage licence must bring 2 pieces of acceptable government issued identification (ID) from the list below. Please note that at least one piece of ID must contain a photo. 
  • Identification must be valid and original (we will not accept photocopies or scanned images/documents)
  • Identification must provide your legal name and date of birth
  • Your first and last names must match on the two pieces of ID that are presenting.
  • To have your middle name(s) included on your marriage licence it must also appear on both pieces of ID.
  • ID on the list can be from any country, as long as it is government issued.
  • If the ID is not in English, a written translation from a certified translator is required.
  • Health cards and S.I.N. cards will not be accepted.

Acceptable identification

  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Driver’s Licence
  • Ontario Photo Card (Purple photo ID card)
  • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Canadian Citizenship Card)
  • Canadian Government Refugee Travel Document
  • Conditional Release Identification Card
  • United States Green Card
  • Native Status Card
  • Record of Immigration Landing
  • Confirmation of Permanent Residency
  • Permanent Residency Card
  • Citizenship Card
  • Identity Card
  • Nexus Card
  • Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC)
  • Possession & Acquisition Licence (PAL)
 Re-Marrying after a Divorce

Divorce in Canada 

You must submit official proof of the divorce when you apply for a marriage licence. This can be the original or a court-certified copy of a:

  • Final decree
  • Certificate of Divorce

A certified copy of either of the above divorce documents may be obtained from the court office that granted the divorce. A Decree Nisi, Divorce Order or Judgement is not acceptable. All documents will be returned.

If you do not know where your divorce was granted you can contact the Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings or 1-613-957-4519

 Marriage Certificate

A marriage certificate is the legal record of a marriage. It lists the date and place of the marriage, and names of the people who were married. You need this document to:

  • Show legal proof you are married
  • Apply for certain social benefits
  • Settle an estate
  • Change a last name

A Record of Solemnization of Marriage is not the same thing as a marriage certificate.

Before you can order a marriage certificate, a marriage needs to be registered. The official who performed the marriage will register your marriage by sending a complete and signed marriage licence to Service Ontario.

 Change of Name after Marriage
After the marriage ceremony, there are three (3) options either spouse may consider in regards to retaining, assuming, or legally changing their last name. 
Continue to Use Their Last Name:
Under this course of action, the spouse who wishes to keep their current last name needs to take no action
Ontario law does not require a spouse to change their last name upon marriage
"Assume" the Use of the Spouse's Last Name
An assumed name is a name which a person uses or adopts:
Upon marriage, a person may choose to “assume” the last name of their spouse and use it
To have your identification revised most government organizations, credit card firms, etc. will accept a copy of the marriage certificate issued by the Office of the Registrar General as proof of the marriage
Legally Change Name:
A legal name is the name by which the person is entitled to be recognized for the purposes of Ontario law
In this instance, a person will elect the option under the Change of Name Act, complete the appropriate forms and submit them to the Office of the
Registrar General
Staff at our office can commission your change of name application free of charge if you are a Cramahe Resident


Holly Grant
Acting Director of Administration/Clerk
Township of Cramahe
1 Toronto Street, Colborne
Ontario, Canada K0K 1S0
T.: 905-355-2821 x 122
F.: 905-355-3430
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