Overview of Committees and Local Boards
If you are interested in applying for a Board or Committee, please fill out application and email to clerk@cramahe.ca or mail Attention to the Clerks Department : P.O. Box 357 1 Toronto Street. Colborne ON K0K 1S0
Eligibility |
Township of Cramahe property owners and/or residents, who are at least 18 years of age (unless it is a youth appointment) are eligible to apply. For certain committees, there may be additional qualifications which are indicated in the Terms of Reference of each Committee. |
Authority |
The Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees and Local Board Meetings are governed by: |
Current Board/ Advisory Committees |
Agricultural Advisory Committee Economic Development Advisory Committee Heritage Committee - 2 Vacancies Health Care Needs Committee Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Transportation Advisory Committee Water & Waste Water Advisory Committee - 2 Vacancies |
Apply to be a Board/Committee Member |
To be appointed to any of the above Committee, please fill out the form, Application to sit on one of the Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees. |
List of Boards and Committees
The Terms of References for each Advisory Committee will be reviewed at the start of every new term of council.
Agricultural Advisory Committee |
The Township of Cramahe has launched an Agricultural Advisory Committee in which will provide advice to Council on agricultural matters, protecting rural and agricultural lands, and enhancing the viability of agriculture in The Township of Cramahe. Application to sit on one of the Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees. (Terms of Reference to Follow) |
Economic Development Committee |
The Township of Cramahe is looking to launch an Economic Development Advisory Committee this term and we are seeking community members that wish to make a difference in our business community. We hope to support and expand the range of business, trade, and tourism within the Township of Cramahe and enhance the quality of life for those currently working and living in our community as well as future residents.
Application to sit on one of the Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees. |
Health Care Needs Committee |
The Township of Cramahe Health Care Needs Committees goal is to assist the Township of Cramahe in its efforts to identify, review, and advocate for healthcare services locally and make recommendations to Council on what residents need in relation to healthcare within Cramahe. Application to sit on one of the Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees. Terms of Reference for this committee adopted September 24, 2024 |
Heritage Committee |
The Cramahe Heritage Committee is a volunteer advisory committee established by the Township of Cramahe in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act. Committee members are ultimately responsible to the Township of Cramahe Council and are bound by the by-law appointing the Committee and the Terms of Reference. The main responsibility of this committee is to advise and assist Council on all matters relating to Part IV and Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, on all matters relating to properties of cultural heritage value or interest, and on all matters relating to cultural heritage landscapes. Application to sit on one of the Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees. Terms of reference for this Committee. |
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee |
The Parks and Recreation Committee will serve as a liaison between the Parks and Recreation Department and Council. The Committee will also make recommendations, if necessary, to Council regarding the identified “Goals/Objectives” of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Application to sit on one of the Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees. Terms of Reference for this Committee. |
Transportation Advisory Committee |
The Township of Cramahe Transportation Committee will advise Council on matters related to safety within the municipal road network, cycling networks, pedestrian, and connectivity. The committee will also encourage, promote, and participate in the planning of active transportation policies, programs, and infrastructure. Terms of Reference for this Committee. |
Water & Wastewater Committee - Currently inactive due to members required. |
The Township of Cramahe Water and Wastewater Committee will advise Council on matters related to the short- term and long-term planning of the Township of Cramahe water and wastewater infrastructure. With the goal of developing the building blocks to set up the Township of Cramahe for future growth and development opportunities. Application to sit on one of the Township of Cramahe Advisory Committees. Terms of Reference for this Committee. |